Home cooked meals do not appear in magazine covers. They do not make history. They do not increase the PIB. They are not profesional. Exococina: cocina exhibicionista, fuente de reconocimiento público, masculina, cocina profesional. Endococina: ámbito privado, femenina, no hay autores, sino partícipes y transmisores de un legado colectivo, cocina tradicional Lévi Strauss.
You should allow all your creations to be home cooked meals. You should avoid thinking on their economic profit, or the acceptance of your audience. You should care for them and cherish them for what they are.
Recently, I wrote a small fiction short story for my partner on her birthday. It has so many inside jokes it is utterly unpublishable. And therefore, economically worthless. But it made her, and me, as a consequence, very happy. Making one person trully happy is better than making a thousand mildly happier. I had to stop myself for thinking of ways to share it: we are programmed to think economically.
Recently I heard Rick Rubin in a podcast talk about how to approach creative pursuits like one approaches writing a diary. It is a log of who you are in the moment. And even if you try to do your best, you do it only because it is for you.
Create stuff because you want to nourish the ones you love. And then, maybe, other people will start paying to taste your food.